00:09 Smart chips hacks
02:15 How to cut watermelon
04:15 How to store avocado
04:59 Coffee milk recipe
06:15 Do you love herbal teas?


After watching this video you will learn cool kitchen hacks for lazy people!
Check out smart ways to eat chips:
- turn chips bag into a bowl using the "roll up from the bottom" method
- use a piece of paper for Pringles cans. Fold a piece of paper in half, roll it and insert it into the can. Pull out chips. Ready!
- keep your hands clean with chopsticks while eating chips
- learn how to eat every last bite of chips without getting crumbs everywhere
Here is a collection of life-changing like hacks that will save your time and teach you to peel fruits like a pro! Watch our video and discover perfect solutions to the problems that made your life harder while cooking. Find out how to peel and cut fruits and vegetables in the quickest way possible and how to prepare food for the cooking correctly.
Kitchen tricks everybody should know:
- Are you ready for an unusual way to peel the orange? Roll it!
- How to determine an egg’s freshness
- Fresh avocados could be stored in their cut and uncut form. Cut avocados will naturally oxidize if left unprotected that why you need to place onion near avocado.
- Watch our video and find the recipe of a fast and perfect latte
- Remove tiny eggshells with a piece of eggshell. The next time you crack an egg and there's a tiny piece of shell at the bottom, remove it quickly and efficiently with a bigger piece of the eggshell
- How to prepare potato in the microwave

Herbal teas are usually derived from herbs, roots or fruit seeds. Usually, these kinds of drinks are full of antioxidants and have a lot of health-promoting properties. Herbal teas are not only very delicious but also have a wide range of tastes and recipes. You can make ice cubes with mint inside to make delicious tea!
Here is a list of healthy herbal teas you’ll want to try:
- Immunity boosting: black tea, blackcurrant leaves, peppermint
- Weight loss: green tea, cinnamon, honey, lemon
- Detox: green tea, lemon juice, ginger, honey
- Calming: green tea, chamomile

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